Thursday, August 2, 2007


As Lennon likes to say, "duh." Sorry to not post what Ed is actually doing for his new job, or where he now works. He's at L-3 Communications, a huge military contractor, and he's a project planner. He gets to track all the parts from points A to B to C, etc., for each project he's assigned. He loves it a lot and brings work home fairly often so he can get up to speed on his responsibilities and get more familiar with all he's supposed to do. We're all very happy. :)

We're registering the boys for school tonight. Riley will be in 5th grade, Lennon in 2nd. I told Riley last night, "Dude, you're getting old." He laughed and kind of rolled his eyes and said, "Mom, I'm not in 5th grade yet!" It was pretty funny.

I don't watch a lot of TV, but I happened across Dr. Phil's show last night, where they posted hidden cameras in a few locations to test people's honesty and ethics. It was interesting. The first segment was an actor openly shoplifting in a convenience store. The first guy they taped told her she should be ashamed of herself and put the stuff back. The second guy gave her pointers on how to better get away with it! The second segment was for an actor to give back too much change to people. About 99% of the customers immediately gave the extra money back to her. They determined that most people are honest. The last segment, however, was a male and female actor yelling at each other on the street, to see if people would stop and intervene. Very, very few people did, and all were women, who tried to help the girl. That one didn't surprise me much. Most people don't want to get involved in such things.

I've enjoyed my two official days of posting. Let's hope I can stay on top of it. I have to admit, sadly, that my updating of my "real" journal has lacked severely the last few months. Do any of you find that you post differently where the public can read, as opposed to your private journal?


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