Lennon (my 8-year-0ld) and I watched a wonderful Korean film a couple of nights ago, called "The Way Home." It's about a young boy who's left with his grandmother while his Mom tries to get a new job and straighten out some things she's going through. It's a gruelling bus ride to get to this small Korean town where she lives, and she has no running water, no TV stations, and not much of anything else, either. The kid is a total brat. He calls his Grandma a retard because she can't speak, and basically makes fun of her and takes advantage of her wherever he can.
I pointed out to Lennon what a mean little boy he was, and Lennon asked, "How old is he?" I said, "Seven." To which he sagely replied, "Oh, well he'll figure it out when he's eight."
You might wonder why I think the film is wonderful, given the situation. You'll just have to watch it to find out. :)
I pointed out to Lennon what a mean little boy he was, and Lennon asked, "How old is he?" I said, "Seven." To which he sagely replied, "Oh, well he'll figure it out when he's eight."
You might wonder why I think the film is wonderful, given the situation. You'll just have to watch it to find out. :)
I think it's awesome that you would seek out that type of film to watch with Lennon. I've no doubt that the culture and exposure that a young man growing up in your home will receive is nothing short of exceptional. I'm looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Wow, thanks Davis. I'll never forget one of the many times I've watched "Emma," and when I put it in, Lennon jumped on the couch and said "Riley! Emma's on!" But that was before their father influenced them. :)
Haha, that's hilarious. I'd like to watch Emma with the boys, if they're still game. :)
They might watch it with you. They're pretty much done with me. :)
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