So my niece, Rebecca, has tagged me. I thought I needed something to distract me from my lack of work, and so I will work on this before finding other distractions (such as the Primary program, and a funny blog I'll add tomorrow about Lennon and me).
OK, the rules are listed at right. And now for 7 random and/or weird facts about me:
1. I'm a recipe addict. I think this is listed in my profile, but I'll risk putting it here, too. I collect recipes all the time, and I love them! I rarely get to cook as much as I'd like, but if I ever get the chance, I'll have plenty of recipes to keep me busy.
2. I proofread menus, billboards, flyers, etc. without realizing I'm doing it. I'm not perfect in my grammar by any means, but I certainly know the difference between its and it's. It's a sickness, but I'm a lot better than I used to be.
3. I'm a recovering Packrat addict. The new format certainly helped with this. Fellow PRers will know what I'm talking about.
4. I'm not very good at coming up with 7 random/weird facts about myself. But I am realizing that I have a few addictions/sicknesses I should give some serious thought.
5. I hate raisins.
6. If I get laughing really hard, I cry a river. I can't explain it, it just is. But I have to be laughing really hard. (I had to call a co-worker for help.)
7. I love to learn new things. Beekeeping, yoga, beadwork, etc. The only problem is, once I've "conquered" whatever it is I'm learning, I easily lose interest. That's one reason my job is good for me--it's constantly changing and challenging. Plus it puts food on our table. :)
Now the other hard part- tagging 7 others. Since Rebecca and I link to all the same family posts, it will prove difficult, especially since she tagged 5 and they're all family. Does it count if I tag them too, and they just participate once? I would tag Lauren, Beth, Brenna, Jesse, Jeanne, Kelsey (all family) and Trish (not family).
I agree with you on PackRat. And I wonder if the laughing/crying thing is genetic because I do the same thing :)
Yeah, I wonder how many people they'll lose? Sometimes if it ain't broke, you shouldn't try to fix it. But Ed's complimented me on my not playing. :)
Yeah, I guess for me it is probably best because I won't be wasting time . . . although now that I'm out of school I may have more time to waste :) still, I can/should think of better endeavors. sigh.
It was fun while it lasted though, huh? You were a fun co-opper.
maybe it is genetics, Mary does it too!
She does? I've never seen her on it! That's ok, I removed the app today. I just didn't enjoy it any more. :(
Not sure if Lauren was referring to PackRat or crying a river when you laugh really hard. Clarification, please?
At any rate, I'm just getting caught up on blogs and here I've been tagged. I'll have to work on it this weekend.
Oh, duh. Now that you mention it, she very well could have been referring to the crying while laughing deal. It would certainly make more sense!
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