Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm dizzy (no, really)

From my journal entry June 22:
I’ve been having dizzy spells for about 10 days now. At first they were sporadic, but they’ve slowly gotten constant over the last few days. I tell you, I can’t take it anymore. Not really. I’m fine, just having a hard time coping with feeling like I’m going to topple at any minute. This isn’t quite as severe as the first go-round with my meds, but I’m pretty certain the cause is the same. I called Dr. Loffler and he’s out of the office until July 1. The lady said she’d discuss it with another doctor and have him call me. We’ll see what happens. If it’s this bad tomorrow or any worse, I’ll probably just go see my MD if the other doc hasn’t called me. I also have a whomper of a headache, which never helps anything.

The conference was fun and informative, despite all of the snafus we encountered. I’m tired of telling the stories though, so you’ll just have to wonder.

Wednesday, June 24
I’m still dizzy, but it seems to be letting up some. I heard back from Dr. Banks, and he didn’t seem to think my meds are the cause. I told him if it continued for another couple of days that I would call my MD. I’ll go in Friday if it’s still a problem. It’s weird—when I’m sitting up or standing it’s the worst. If I’m lying down I don’t notice it at all. I wonder if it’s inner ear or something. Oh well. No worries until I go to the doctor, right?

I’m incredibly bored at work right now. I hate it. There are plenty of things I could do, I just don’t have the motivation or interest. I simply don’t care. I told Ed that this schedule (flex time and all, but early mornings) is killing me. We both agreed that coming back from the conference was a real slap in the face. I told him it was like diving into ice water; he countered by saying it was like jumping in with a bunch of crocodiles and piranha. :) Yes, we’re feeling the strain, but at least we’re in it together, ha ha. We talked about me going part-time, but that has yet to be explored. I would LOVE it. Now if I can just convince my bosses that it would be a good thing. Hmm.

Postscript to this post:
My doctor recommended I take my antihistamines again. That was the only difference in what I'd been doing that he could determine. At least that's what I figure. I've had no headaches, I'm not nauseated, I could track his finger fine, etc. Just dizzy. I took the antihistamines and it helped for about 4 days, then it started up again. I finally had Dad, Tom, and Ryan give me a blessing.

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