Our bees are doing great! I have been so awful about posting any pics, and I apologize. This one was stolen from a random web site, so credit to whomever took it. It wasn't me, but it should be a Minnesota variety, which is what we have.
One of my favorite activities of late is to just go out and sit next to the hive and watch them come and go. They have such a soothing little hum, and it's fun to see the different colors of pollen they bring back to the hive.
The honey supers have been placed; the hive is now about twice as tall as it was to begin with. The queen is doing her job splendidly and all the bees are busy little... well, bees.
We've placed two water sources for them, and neither seems to be popular. Not sure what to do about that. Whenever I water the garden a bee or two will stop to drink up moisture from around the plants, but overall they don't seem to be drawn to either our water-filled hummingbird feeder or the pan full of water (don't worry--we have rocks in the pan to give them something to stand on. Bees can't swim).
That's it for now. If any of you would like to pop over and check them out, please stop by. It really is a great thing to see.
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