Thursday, September 4, 2008

Surgery Update

My surgery went well, for a surgery. Life is mostly back to normal, but I still had to ask the question after it was all over, "Was that worth it?" Time will tell, I suppose.

On a childish note (hee hee), my kids are back in school and doing well. They don't have school lunch for the first month (what the?), so we've been making them for them. I think they're enjoying it, but Lennon lost his lunch bag the first week. Still hasn't turned up!

Sorry for the short note; I just felt it was time to get back in the swing of blogging, and the wife of a friend here at work started one, so I was feeling left out. :( I told him he'd be my inspiration to start again.

I need to write more about the garden expansion, so will plan to do that next post.


Rebecca said...

Yay! You're back!

JPF said...


surgery? Where have I been? What's going on? On an unrelated note, who wrote the book Trent recommended?

Linda said...

Surgery to reattach muscles to ribs from my mastectomy. Doc said it's "not uncommon." Still a pain!