Monday, May 11, 2009

How do you deal with stress/crises?

We had two of the busiest weeks at my work, which just ended. I'm utterly and completely exhausted. I've learned about myself that when there's a crisis, a lot of stress, pressure, or some huge thing that needs to be taken care of, I'm cool as a cucumber throughout, but once the crisis is over, I fall apart. I think I'm crashing now...

How do you deal with these things? Are you the type to get hysterical when your child needs stitches, or do you stay calm and in control until after the fact? Do you stay numb? I'm interested to know.


SMcG said...

Sounds like you need a little road trip to, say... Sacramento. lol See you soon!

SMcG said...

ps - I'm like you, cool as a cucumber and then I have to compensate later by crashing.

Linda said...

Now if I could just get some sleep, I think I'd be able to rebound. Stupid insomnia.

Lauren said...

I like food. It solves problems, until of course I have all the regret of what I just ate.... then it seems to start all over again.....

Linda said...

Ah, yes. Food. That wonderful solver of problems. Until you step on the scale. Sheesh.