Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ed's Jewish?

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I was just reading Brenna's blog, and she put up a hilarious quote by Madison, and it made me think of an exchange among my family recently.

Those of you who know Ed probably know that he was born in a small town about 40 miles outside Richmond, VA, called "Amelia." It's a really cool place, and one that I hope to visit with him again sometime.

About a year ago or more, Lennon said something about his Dad (Ed) being Jewish. We were stumped. I told him that Daddy doesn't subscribe to any religion in particular, and we kind of left it at that.

For some reason, it came up again the other night. We realized that Lennon's old enough now to probably know why he thought that, so we asked. His reply? "Because he was born in that place. Y'know, Julia."


Sticky said...

It's always nice to learn something new about someone. I never would have guessed that about Ed...although, I'm pretty sure I saw him eat a bagel once...hmmm

Linda said...

Ha ha. If being from "Julia" would make him Jewish, perhaps being from Amelia would really make him Amish?