Monday, December 15, 2008

Government intrusion at its finest

Oy! I shall try to maintain my composure. I recently had to renew my driver's license, and on the form they ask if you are taking any medications for various ailments. BIG warning--never tell them if you are! I am now being tracked at least annually, and will be so until I have quit taking my meds and am "stable," er, excuse me, have "had no symptoms" for 2 years.

Now that I am less of a threat than ever, either to myself or anyone else, the government thinks it their responsibility to watch over me. What a load of garbage. Think of the cost associated with printing these forms, mailing them, logging them, etc., etc. The lady at my clinic says they receive about 40 a day!

OK. I feel better having gotten the warning out to at least somebody. Now where are my meds...

Sorry Heidi, the horse story will need to wait for another day. ;)


Lauren said...

wow- thanks for the heads up! one of my fav DMV stories, is while waiting in line, listening to a translator for an immigrant (probably illegial) who got 3 tickets while driving with a suspended Permit. Sweet - why don't they take more time getting them off the road??

Linda said...

You're welcome.
I don't know why they want to keep tabs on law-abiding citizens and completely ignore the dolts who break the law. Don't get me started. :)

SMcG said...

Yeah, wow - good to know! Here's my DMV story - while living in England and not knowing we'd be moving back to CA I decided to get a Utah license as my CA one was expiring. I went into one of the Utah DMVs and asked what I'd need to do to get a license. "Oh, you just take a 24 question open book test."
And THEN I instantly knew why we'd feared for our lives every time we drove since arriving in Utah. A 24 question open-book test. Can I drive with the book open, too? Does it come in multiple languages in case I can't speak English?

Linda said...

Oysh. Like I said, don't get me started.