Monday, November 24, 2008

Dog techno

This weekend my parents and kids and I drove to Denver for my niece's sealing. It was fantastic! You may be wondering why I would title a blog about something so spiritual "dog techno," and you'd be right to wonder. Unless you know the Dunfords.

Some random notes from the weekend, which I realize if you weren't there won't mean much, include:
  • Driving through the wind-swept plains of Wyoming. Twice.
  • Nelson's sick story
  • Dog techno (next time I will record it)
  • "Celebrity sighting" of Chloe and Barrett
  • Hunter's belly button surgery
  • FOOD to die for (and from, most likely)
  • "Minnie"
  • Laughter (so much laughter. I love spending time with this laughing family)
  • Expensive pit stop
  • Imaginiff...
  • Smiling Eliza
  • Boxing boys
  • Tom's high school yearbook ("It's ok, they're just pictures. It's not like they're real people or anything.")
  • Sandra giggling because she almost snuggled me
  • Inexpressible joy
  • Calling Ryan a big baby
  • Jesse's "jet black" hair
  • Carmen tired but still muscling through "Catch Phrase," much to our delight
  • Tom talkin' biking with Jeanne, our Musketeer
  • Jeanne referring to herself as a Musketeer for the rest of her stay
  • Max commenting on Riley being a "fine gentleman"
  • Grandpa's desire to leave at "4, 5, 6 in the morning. Those would all be fine," and finally leaving at 6:40
  • Chloe's haircut
  • Lauren
  • Susan and Tom, the hosts with the most
  • Isaac challenging Riley
  • Barrett's frozen hands from eating ice cream with them
  • Learning from Max that duct tape was invented during WWII for ducts in ships
  • Dad reading and chuckling at "The Dancing Wu Li Masters." I highly recommend it, and he said he would give it a "7." High praise, indeed.
And so much more that can't be written. Gatherings like these are a slice of heaven on earth.


Lauren said...

yeah for fun family weekends!! I loved reading all of these, we made some great memories! Love you!

Linda said...

I love you too. Thanks for being the reason for us all to get together!