Friday, November 30, 2007

Dates are compelling

Man, I don't know how people find time to blog every day. I've kept a journal faithfully my whole life, but I don't think I've ever written every day except for a month or two when I received my first lockable diary in like, 7th grade. Even then it was because the pages were dated and I felt obligated to write something. Sheesh.

Nonsense aside, this weekend Lennon is getting baptized. He's pretty excited, I think. He says he is. It's been fun discussing with him what it means, and what promises he's making, etc. He also started Scouts this month, and has been doing a great job.

I don't have anything clever or brilliant to write at this time (Ha, some of you may say, you never do!). Sorry.

I went to a muscle conditioning class Wednesday and I'm STILL sore as can be. I haven't been this sore in a long time. Apparently I have not worked my arms enough recently, because my biceps feel like they have a fever. My legs and glutes are doing better, and I attribute that to the epsom salt soak I took the night of the class. Wonders!

Anyway, like I said, nothing clever or brilliant. Just trying to get more than one post on this month, for whatever reason. It's not like these pages are dated. :)

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