Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Six years and counting

I don't know what it is about hitting your 5-year mark of cancer survival (aside from the obvious), but now that I've passed it, I feel strangely free. Free to mention that I'm a survivor, free to mention how many years it's been, free to rejoice.

For the longest time, there were "it's not a big deal-" or "my cancer was relatively easy-" type explanations. Whereas today, I can state that it was a big deal, and that cancer is no picnic, even if it was easy compared to many others' experiences. For five years it was easier to ignore it, or to downplay it, or to try and pretend it never happened.

However, I have to admit that I'm glad I went through it. Even the most horrible aspects of it--because in the long run, something like that really makes you appreciate life. And even more so, the peace from knowing you have a loving Father in Heaven who is watching over you becomes invaluable.

I'll never forget my husband telling me that it was I who carried him through it all. He speculated that it had something to do with my faith. All I can say to that is, "Honey, you have no idea." :)

So here's to six more years, at least, and to all of you who held my hand, visited me, comforted me, and loved me, even from afar. Thank you for so ably becoming the hands of the Father to help me know that I am watched over and loved. I thank you most humbly and sincerely.



JPF said...

Touching and lovely commentary. At least six more years, indeed!

Linda said...

Amen to that. I would say 60, but that's pushing it. :)

Lauren said...

well i'm sure glad you're still alive and kicking it! love you!