Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm dying here

I'm working on a major project right now, and it's killing me. I think I've spent the last two weeks solid on it, and then in creep those other, annoying little deadlines for ads and whatnot. I was doing fine, getting all excited about being so close to finished, and then the designer I'm working with informs me that we have to re-flow all the copy that we've put in due to a fabrication oversight. Sigh.

For those of you who are not design geeks, let me just say that it completely deflated my balloon. It was the first time in the entire project that I felt desperate for an end. I felt like we had gone back two steps, and now all the stuff I was so close to completing just had to be started over. But that's life, right? We have these setbacks and we just keep going. So I will do that, like a good little soldier.

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