Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ants in my pants

I have been jumpy all afternoon. I've accomplished much sitting here at my desk, and now I'm just about to burst out of my skin. I'm dying to go home, and I hope that posting a blog will help in some small way. I've no idea why I feel this way-- anticipation of a long weekend, too much chocolate, exasperation with office gossip, or what.

As far as actual work goes, I'm really quite pleased with all the stuff I've accomplished today--lots of those little, in-between assignments that pile up around the big ones.

Maybe it's the moon. I just spoke with my husband and he seems exasperated as well. If you're feeling the same, at least you're (and I'm) not alone!

My boss recently approved having me teach yoga during lunch to my coworkers. Why is it that some ideas seem so fabulous until they're actually upon you? I love teaching yoga, but until now it's been to neighbors, and when I think about being responsible for coworkers, it just seems strange. I'll let you know how it goes.



Rebecca said...

Congrats on the yoga class! That will be so neat! I would love to do a more official "class" sometime -

Davis and I are in the Phoenix airport now, about to come home!!! We will ahve to arrange a get-together sometime, after our routines normalize a little bit.

Love you!

Linda said...

Yay! We're so glad to have Davis back! We'd love to see you guys, so let me know when the normalization is complete. ;)
As for yoga, I thought a class or two at the reunion might be fun. Bring a mat if you have one!