Thursday, October 11, 2007

Educating the mighty

I finally did it. I've finally had enough stress over helping my 5th grader and 2nd grader with hours of homework each night that I switched schools. Extreme? Maybe. Necessary? Definitely. Now they get to wear uniforms and since it's a charter school, I feel my voice regarding the importance of play time might be heard.

When I was in grade school, I don't remember having a lick of homework. It wasn't until junior high that we actually had real bring-home stuff. Now, maybe I'm not the smartest kid on the block, but I think I turned out ok. I'm not all hopped up about raising geniuses, either. I rather think self confidence and an relatively anxiety-free childhood is important. I mean, when your kid starts saying borderline suicidal things, it's time to sit up and pay attention, don't you think?

I was speaking with a dear friend last night who made such an astute comment about the rearing of today's kids. She said that when she was in school, the were able to use reports from the encyclopedia for their work. Now, she says, there is such a panic over plagiarism (we're talking about grade schoolers here, keep in mind), that the kids only have their own minds to learn from. Hmmm. Learn how to do a report from reading and using professional reports, or learn how to do a report by muddling through with your undeveloped, anxiety-ridden, fifth grade mentality? Which do you think would be more effective? Plagiarism indeed.

Wish my children luck. They're going to need it, I fear. I guess the good news in all of this is that they would have been ready for high school right out of sixth grade and could skip junior high altogether. And we all know how wonderful it would be if we could have all skipped that part of our lives. ;)


Linda said...

Sorry, meant to say that I don't remember having a "lick of homework." Duh.

Davis and Rebecca said...

I have such mixed feelings about this . . . . I guess if I were a parent they would be even more confused. All I can say is that the two of you are wonderful parents to two wonderful boys. Lennon and Riley are blessed with parents who value self confidence, self awareness and find merit in taking in the good things that already exist in the world to be had.

Linda said...

Thanks for you kind words. We started them in the new school this morning, actually, and they were quite excited. I walked around with them and the principal, and we found their rooms, the cafeteria, the library, and everything. It was a great morning, and they were thrilled. I can hardly wait for a followup report this afternoon.
Love you!