I weighed in this morning at 168.8, which is great because I've dropped off the "extreme" protein and am eating just a normal diet now, sans sugar, except in moderate doses. I've fluctuated between 168 and 170, and am happy. Would I like to weigh less? I suppose, but I feel healthy and am still working out and striving for a healthier lifestyle, and so am good with where I am. I don't plan to post regarding this again unless something exciting happens. :)
As a side note, I found this bit of information helpful, albeit not really unexpected. Gonna go get me some (well, except for the wine and tea, of course)! This is taken from the South Beach web site:
20 Unexpected Antioxidant-Rich FoodsThere's been a lot of press lately on the benefits of antioxidants, the cell-protecting nutrients found in a wide range of foods that help combat heart disease, cancer, the effects of aging, and other conditions. To help you add more disease-fighting antioxidants to your diet, we’ve created this quick, alphabetical list of 20 foods you may not have realized are excellent sources of antioxidants.
Note: To get the most from your meals, be sure to eat a wide variety of these foods. Those listed are recommended for all Phases, except fruits, dark chocolate, wine, and sweet potatoes, which you can enjoy starting in Phase 2.
Apples (Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, Delicious, with skin)
Artichokes (cooked)
Beans (black, red kidney, pinto, dried)
Blueberries (cultivated, wild)
Cherries (sweet)
Chocolate (dark)
Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, brussels sprout, cauliflower, kale)
Plums (black, red)
Sweet potatoes
Tea (black, green, white, oolong)
Wine (red)